Thursday, October 7, 2010

NASCAR On South Park

Before I begin, I would honestly say that I am quite the South Park fan. While some of their humor can be considered vulgar, derogatory or sometimes childish; most often they successfully and brilliantly put a hilarious spin on pop culture and make some things questionable in the world today pretty funny.

That was not entirely the case with the "NASCAR" episode of South Park. In no way was I offended by their take on their views of auto racing; however, I would like to critique the episode without going into too much detail and ruining it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

This particular episode could have been about just about any subject and I would have been slightly unimpressed. It appeared that they just slapped an episode together in a few hours and said "here you go, Comedy Central!" Obviously I'm not referring to the visual aspect of the show (which always sort of looks to be thrown together in a short amount of time, haha!), but more the substance and plot of the episode.

In retrospect, maybe the creators should have done some research such as reading articles about what has been going on recently, or even read various fans' blogs all over the Internet criticizing some moves NASCAR has made recently and somehow factor it into the episode. They've done the same thing with hundreds of other topics for years and kept audiences laughing over and over again.

I wouldn't even mind if they completely tore NASCAR apart as long as they did it the right way, which normally involves me laughing and saying "that's true!" It was unfortunate that I went into the evening looking forward to this episode and ended up for the most part disappointed.

All is good though. I'm sure they will be back to their normal ways next week...when they make fun of Jersey Shore.

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